Special Information for Contractors

MS4 - IDEM Permit #INR040115

Contractors, Developers, Builders MS4 Page

Any earth-moving inside the corporate limits of Porter must be permitted by the Town. The Town does inspections and has the authority to inspect any possible violation that it determines. Any work you are contracted to do must be permitted through the Town Building Department. Call 219-395-9921 if you have any questions. Call Holey Moley at 811 before any digging to ensure underground services are not impacted. YOU are held responsible if you hit something, not the homeowner.
For more information:


Town of Porter Code

All permits and codes are available to review at the Porter Town Hall. Please schedule an appointment with the Building Department. To schedule, call 219-395-9921.
The Town staff will assist in your planning to ensure that you know the codes and why they are to be followed.